Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Is it time to resurect my Coffee Shop?

So much time has passed since I was here and so much has happened in my life! I look at this little old blog that was my life for so long in the depths of my Zambian life and I realise how I've moved on and how much I have changed. I really enjoyed writing this blog and I wonder if it may be time to resurrect it and start again? Time to document my fast changing life, my amazing steps in higher education and my desire to become so much more than I thought I could be! Yes, I still drink too much coffee and eat too much cheesecake. lol  I've learned many new skills, hopefully I write better too?

So, my new scholastic year resolution! To come to this place and learn how to make it work again. To document my life and to have somewhere to come back to in the years ahead when I wonder why I did it, where I came from and, maybe, just to figure out where I'm going.

Be back soon! :)