Thursday, 17 January 2008

Hello from sunny England! (ahem!)

Just to let all my friends know I am still alive and FINALLY reconnected to the internet! We are still settling into our new life and trying to get things sorted out (just the little things in life, like where to live!) but I promise to update this very neglected blog very soon - please bear with me :)


Keith's Ramblings said...

Hi Jayne and welcome back to blogging! So you've finally moved! What have you done to our weather?!!

Don't forget I'm just 20 minutes away from you if you need any help or local advice. Email via Helium if you want my phone number.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jayne!

Welcome home!

I don't do Helium any more, but the blog's still going strong. Love to hear from you sometime.

Keith K. (Travelrat)

Anonymous said...

Much better than all that sun, now ain't it?

Jayne :) said...

Hello there the 'Two Keiths' :)

Thanks for the offer Keith H - haven't got as far as Hastings yet but plan to pop into your pub when we do - lol

Sorry to hear you too have abandoned Helium Keith K - it seems I am one of the VERY few 'oldies' still posting there? It's very sad :(

Actually Dickiebo - I am enjoying this brisk chilly weather but I wouldn't say no to a bit more sunshine to go with it! :)

Head Cookie said...

Hi Jayne,

Welcome back and I hope you are liking Jolly ole England.